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Creating Prosperity, Issue #006 -- Prosperity Through Leadership and Joy
September 27, 2023

A Holistic Prosperity Perspective

Welcome to the next edition of the Create Prosperity newsletter! Since the last issue, I have been delving into the more spiritual aspect of prosperity. I take you behind the scenes of some of the tools and perspectives I have.

What's New

It's been awhile. I honestly had a couple of well being issues that had me be out of action for a couple of months, and then I took on a leadership role I wasn't expecting to be. There was a period of rest and then a period of really enhancing the contribution I am for people.

In the meantime, this site and newsletter took a bit of a back seat. I may not be able to post 3-4 articles a month, and I am committed to completing at least one a month as I adjust to new responsibilities.

In the meantime, I have some things I am trying out. I have created one new page.

  • Law of Attraction Visualization: In this page, we go into more enhancing the quality of your visualization with at least a couple of ideas to help you attract what you envision.. Please click here to visit the "Law of Attraction Visualization" page.
  • Prosperity Quote

    "Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods." -Plato

    While this is a quote about joy, prosperity comes more easily when we act in joy.

    Personal Prosperity Lesson

    My personal prosperity lesson, since May has really been in the realm of elevating the level at which I contribute and getting re-present to another level of joy and vitality.

    Once I finally started getting back in action, I opted to take on something that I found to be uncomfortable. I took on a leadership role at the level of North America although most leaders are in the United States.

    While that currently does not bring me financial rewards, I do get rewarded at the level of being able to make a difference, collaborating with very empowering leaders, and stretching my limits in what I think is possible. There is something to be said about leading and causing leadership from the perspective of a beginner's mind.

    There is no place to get to, but rather the opportunity to listen for what is going to bring people aliveness, contribution, inspiration, and accomplishment?

    At the same time, I have also been coached myself. In creating and setting goals, I have noticed where I started to play bigger, get more clarity, have an increased vitality, and the re-connection to my inner most joy. That is true prosperity, and no money can buy that.

    NOTE:. Healing facilitation and directed prayer is NOT a substitute for prudent medical care. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please seek immediate medical care.

    Creating Prosperity brings you creative ideas on radiating your inner prosperity. You can use the ideas that work best for you.

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