Spiritual Body

The spiritual body is made up of many layers and is very complex.  This page is another way of looking at your human energy field.  I will not go into everything here as there are many, many levels about this topic. 

As mentioned in the human energy field page, you have meridians, chakras (major and minor), and the aura.  When spiritual healing is facilitated, your spiritual body is impacted first. 

Balancing well-being (financial, relationships, physical, etc.) is often easier if you start with the spiritual body.  From there, your mental body, astral emotional body, and physical body with also begin to re-balance as these are all inter-connected.

How You Can Affect Your Spiritual Body

The chakras and auric layers of the spiritual body.

Your human energy field/spiritual body can be negatively impacted if you get stuck in continually having the same negative thoughts about a situation, or stressing about something. 

Then, your actions will follow thought. 

Consider this example:  you keep worrying about money or how you want to contribute. 

Your actions will be colored by that worry or stress. 

You will not get the best outcome possible or if you do, it will be with struggle and worry.

By the same token, if you are being completely loving, generous, and kind about whatever situation you are in, you will produce the best outcome

This can be in the form of loving what you do, appreciating someone, or loving the person you are with.  Even if you have the same situation, you will seem to move through the situation gracefully.

Karma And The Spiritual Body

Your human energy field/spiritual body is where the imprint of all of your karmic lessons reside.  If you have a karmic imprint from that was from negative thoughts, actions then those can be healed and resolved

Good spiritual development processes help you mitigate the karmic seeds in your spiritual body.  The circle symbol represents karma.

If they are not healed and resolved, then you will have experiences that show up as some kind of lesson whether that be in relationships, financial, work-related or many other areas.  If the karmic imprint is not resolved in this lifetime, it can be carried onto the next lifetime. 

Sometimes the impact of that karmic imprint will not be so obvious until you do a lot of growth and development.  As you grow and develop, who you are expands.  There may be karmic imprints that you then have to deal with. 

In some circles, this is called paying one's karmic debt.

Resolving The Negative Impact On The Spiritual Body

How do you heal or resolve the negative karmic lessons or at least make it easier to go through them?  There are many, many ways. 

The Flower of Life symbol represents creation.  When your spiritual body is balanced, you are free to create in the most perfect and beautiful way.

You can have a spiritual energy healing, you can attend a workshop of a powerful spiritual healer (more on what to look for). 

In addition, there is a very good spiritual development process called Karmic Repair.  You can use that to clean up any karmic imprints. 

I personally do Karmic Repair daily as part of my ability to manifest prosperityIf you have situation that is not going well, consider doing Karmic Repair twice  a day.

Please NOTE:  I do not make anything for recommending the spiritual development process above.  I am sharing it with you as I happen to love Karmic Repair.

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