Gratitude List

Writing a gratitude list is a very powerful way to shift a person’s mood from a state of “bleh” to a state of joy.  Gratitude is also a great way to start your day, any endeavor, and is a powerful partner to prosperity.

I remember being in a course where we had to spend 5 minutes listing out everything that we loved about our life. 

Create gratitude lists as a way to find direction.  Gratitude written out on an arrow pointing the way on the road.

We spent 5 minutes listing out what we were grateful for from the greatest adventures to the smallest thing.  The energy in the room shifted, and people became very enlivened.

I also have a friend who was having a hard time finding a new job for months. 

One day, she decided to list out everything she was grateful for as a daily practice. 

Within 2 months or less, she had landed a new job that was much more stable and was more in line with what she was looking for.

How do you get started with a gratitude listYou can start anywhere.  You can make it as simple as being grateful for the food you have to eat to the people you get to meet.

The point is that as you practice experiencing gratitude, you will become more and more aware of the good things in life, those little accomplishments, those opportunities to celebrate.

Tying Prosperity Back To Gratitude

And, let’s tie it back to prosperity for a moment.  Whenever you have to pay a bill, send the bill off with a good dosage of gratitude and love.  If you do this for 30 days or more, see what opens up.

My Gratitude List For Today

This site would not be complete with my very own gratitude list!  I will write a few things down with the intention that it sparks your joy and helps you tap into your creativity.

A journal with the words:  "Today I am grateful for."  Use journals as a great way to write gratitude lists.

I am grateful for....

  • My hair appointment was only 0.3 miles from my hotel!
  • My hotel has a book of attractions that I can use to help plan ideas for things to do when my parents visit.
  • Reliable transportation
  • A job that pays the bills
  • My creativity
  • The sun shining every day
  • My mentors past and present
  • All the people who have coached me
  • The successes that people share on facebook or in person
  • That I choose to do something I love almost every day
  • That I have an emergency fund that covered my hotel

Other Articles To Help With A Prosperity Mindset

  • Art of Gratitude:  Elevate your ability to find more ways to practice gratitude and enhance prosperity using these 3 examples designed to enhance your life.

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    Art of Gratitude: Elevate your ability to find more ways to practice gratitude and enhance prosperity using these 3 examples designed to enhance your life.

  • How to Express Gratitude:  Attract prosperity with these 4 tips that will enhance your relationships with those people & communities most important to you.

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    How to Express Gratitude: Attract prosperity with these 4 tips that will enhance your relationships with those people & communities most important to you.

  • Gratitude Quotes:  spark gratitude and joy with these quotes as you become more magnetic to the opportunities and prosperity that is already there.

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    Gratitude Quotes: spark gratitude and joy with these quotes as you become more magnetic to the opportunities and prosperity that is already there.

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    Envision yourself in these gratitude stories as we illustrate the difference gratitude makes in leadership, business, and trust.

  • Law of Gratitude:  Practice these ideas and 2 exercises as the access to attracting prosperity and shifting attitudes toward money.

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  • Gratitude Letter:  Inspire prosperity through thriving relationships with this one simple tip.

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    Gratitude Letter: Inspire prosperity through thriving relationships with this one simple tip.

  • What is Gratitude:  Use these 4 levels of gratitude to experience joy, prosperity, and wonder.

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    What is Gratitude: Use these 4 levels of gratitude to experience joy, prosperity, and wonder.

  • Health Benefits of Gratitude:  Check out these studies on the benefits of gratitude, and walk away with some unique and motivating insights.

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    Health Benefits of Gratitude: Check out these studies on the benefits of gratitude, and walk away with some unique and motivating insights.

  • Discover the benefits of gratitude in four major life areas to increase prosperity, happiness, and well-being.

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    Discover the benefits of gratitude in four major life areas to increase prosperity, happiness, and well-being.

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